“…for we were born only yesterday and know nothing…” –Job 8:9 (NIV)
I wasn’t born yesterday! How many times have we caught ourselves saying this phrase? We often use this exclamation when we sense that we are being tricked or deceived by someone else. As much as it signals to the listener that we are not easy to fool, it also assures us that we are not gullible people. But despite our claims to being shrewd, we prove ourselves time and time again that we are quite the opposite. How often do we fall into the traps of misery and woe? How often do we allow sin to deceive us into submitting ourselves under its yoke? Though we are able to see through these deceptions and avoid these traps, we are a forgetful race. When we fail to remember the lessons God has taught us through our lives, our neglect of His teachings will be our undoing.
The Christian life is a discipline. It is a discipline based on remembrance; a concept which is echoed throughout the Bible. God calls His people to remember His commandments and to remember His faithfulness. Like a teacher training his students, God continues to remind us of these things for He knows that wisdom and knowledge easily depart from our minds. The remnants of our sinful nature would like for us to forget His teachings and draw ourselves away from Christ. Our only defence against sin’s devices is to abide with Christ and allow His wisdom to illumine our minds. When we make that choice to walk closely with Him and spend time in His Word, He will remind us of the viciousness of sin, and the hope and joy we have by being in His presence. No one can claim to be wise for our erstwhile wicked nature continues to vie for our loyalty. It is this struggle within our souls which prevents us from achieving full perfection in the wisdom and righteousness of Christ. But when we have allowed Christ to reside in our hearts and opened our ears and minds to walk in His ways, we will be able to live within His perfect will knowing that it is He who gives us wisdom and ability to apply it in our lives.
Scripture taken from the HOLY BIBLE, NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION®. Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984 by International Bible Society. Used by permission of Zondervan. All rights reserved.