For freedom Christ has set us free; stand firm therefore, and do not submit again to a yoke of slavery. –Galatians 5:1 (ESV)
Why do humans return to their vomit? If there is one quality which proves the stupidity of humanity it is the fact that humans often regress into old and detrimental habits even if they know full well that there is a far better way to live life. When humans are faced with struggle when the want to pursue a lifestyle radically different from their previous one, suddenly their old way of life becomes more attractive; to the point where they forget the reason why they abandoned their previous lifestyle in the first place. This is seen especially with the case of the Israelites after they were delivered from Egypt by God’s hand. Once the Israelites began to feel that their journey to the Promised Land was too hard, they began to dream of all the food and pleasures available in Egypt, even though they were under the whip of their Egyptian overlords! Ironically, the chains of slavery seemed to be more comfortable to them than the wings of freedom.
No one ever said that the Christian life would be easy. Neither did anyone say that it would be a free ride. Yet, many seem to think like this. Whenever the going gets tough, or a hard teaching comes across their path, they feel as though they can ignore it and continue to live in their old habits. After all, they are covered by their “heavenly insurance”. However, whenever the Christian chooses sin, he chooses to voluntarily submit to slavery. Before salvation, he had no choice but slavery to sin for he never knew of freedom from sin. But once Christ liberated him from the shackles of sin, why should the Christian turn back to bondage and oppression? Doing so not only makes light of Christ’s sacrifice on the cross, but also makes a mockery out of humanity. Truly, the irrationality of man is proven when they are presented with the joys of freedom but choose the suffering of tyranny instead. Christians must make a conscious effort to avoid sin and, whenever they struggle, to fall back on Christ their Redeemer instead of regressing back into old patterns. We a freed people! It’s about time that we start living as freed people!
Scripture quotations are from The Holy Bible, English Standard Version® (ESV®), copyright © 2001 by Crossway, a publishing ministry of Good News Publishers. Used by permission. All rights reserved.